Results are In! – How My Blog Fared the Year I Stopped Blogging About Dating

It was in November 2014 that I announced “my promise to him” – about keeping relationship details under wraps.

I knew I wanted to keep this new relationship sacred anyway and didn’t intend to spill much, so when LB asked me not to write about us, it was easy to oblige. (I’m glad I did.)

And then came the backlash. Readers said they’d miss my stories. And I missed writing them! I kept my promise though! Here we are, a little over a year later.


So my top viewed posts in 2015 were all written in 2014 and 2013 when I was single. And all of them were in the top 4 last year as well.

1. Boobs, Hormones, Panties and Courtship (February 2014)

And that’s largely due to Google search terms. People search for “men being forced to take female hormones” and they find the first post, which is (no surprise) about words people put into search engines to find my blog! That term is linked to something I wrote about my mother’s transgender neighbor.

2. Advice for the Black Woman | Fitness Q&A with Mark Jenkins (April 2014)

They search for “big oiled black asses” and they land on the fitness interview where Mark Jenkins and I discussed black women and butt implants, and so much more. If you haven’t read this one, it’s a must read.

A lot of women have fat asses, but they also have big guts so it negates the effect of having an ass. It doesn’t make any sense. – Mark Jenkins

Rounding out the top three was:

3. Is Amazing Worth Waiting For?  (May 2013)

I guess a lot of people are out there wondering – should I wait for a relationship that feels easy and magical, and more fulfilling than any I’d ever imagined? Is there really a such thing as an amazing connection? Or should I settle for Mr. or Ms. “Okay” because they’re good, or alright to me? Interesting question because it’s always a risk no matter what. And no one is “baggage free.” I believe in being patient until you discover a really good connection and you’re ready to settle into a great match. At that time I wrote:

My sentiment is that I deserve AMAZING. I want to wake up every morning and feel as if my life is better because my significant other is in it – because he brings out the very best in me.


The crazy thing is I posted more overall in 2015 than in 2014 (56 entries, versus 52 entries last year), but with less consistency, and therefore, less people stopped by (about 2,000 less). I barely shared anything in April, May, August, and September….


The most viewed post (written in 2015) was: Do Me Tonight Please! But Only with a Big Oiled Ass, another play on my most popular search engine terms, which are porn-related. (Guys must really like oiled asses. Got me thinking I should have had a stash of baby oil all these years. Psych!)

I don’t think I’ll ever go back to blogging personal dating/ relationship stories. It was fun, and funny, but I’m in a different place. That part of the process is done. Womp, womp! And I can’t say for sure what I will write most about in 2016, but it will be sincere.


Oh, lest I forget – shout out to my top commenters!

✓  weight2lose2013 (Click the link to visit Rob’s blog.)

✓  sherrydavid40  (My cousin. I’m hoping 2016 will be the year she starts her own blog.)

✓  The Reemachronicles

✓  Kgothatjo Magolego (Click the link to visit his blog of movie reviews.)

✓  keenie1208 (Another cousin, and potential blog starter!)

Here are the Full Stats if you’re interested.

Thank you all for rocking with me! New followers, I appreciate you.


If there are any topics I’ve written about that are of particular interest to you, let me know in the comments below. If anything I’ve written is especially memorable for you, let me know. Anything you’d like to hear more about besides LB?

Categories: Blogging, Recaps

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8 replies

  1. No matter what you blog about I know that it will be thought provoking and entertaing.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Cheers on making it through another year of blogging. I’m only a year in and I know how much of a chore it can be maintaining something, even something you love. Wishing you have a happy new year and hoping to see more of your points next year.

    P.S. thanks for the link 🙂


  3. I love blogging about dating and relationships, but before I started this new blog I have now, I struggled with how much to talk about my own experiences. I found a sweet spot where I can give advice to women, be somewhat inclusive about my own love life, but not disrespect anyone’s privacy. I still do love to read all of your posts. You have your own unique voice and style, and that’s what is important.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! Yes I still write about relationships (for some reason I like to!) and other personal stuff, like transformation, self care, etc (lately) but no play by play of my relationship. It’s too easy to divulge too much and inadvertently invite people to ask personal questions. (I can’t stand that!) The guys I wrote about before were generally people I knew I’d never see again. Thanks for the compliment, and for reading!


  4. Shout out to me!!! Thanks cousin! ❤️ I know you said mentioned you’re not writing about relationships but those blogs are awesome! Let me tell you what was funny…. when you discuss men and you know all the ending before it ends.😂 (That old school romance). You have to keep writing about that.

    So with all of that being said, I request a blog about a typical man so that I can pass it on to these young girls that fool up with lies and drama.🤔😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • LOL. Gotta love you! Yes I learned a lot about men in that few years of dating. And girl – that wasn’t the half. I do have an idea for a blog about relationship advice for women 35 and over. But you know what? I can do one for the younger set too! Thx for the idea.

      Liked by 1 person

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