The Randomness – My Life 02032014


I sat down to write tonight and my mind wasn’t centered on anything in particular. So without being too random (or just a bit random), I’ve been thinking about a few things:

1) My birthday is in August and I really want to have a party!! In New York City. I decided that a great deejay, great music, great vibes and being surrounded by great friends and family would really make me happy! If you know me, you know that I can dance and it’s one of my favorite, most fun things to do. So I’m about to start putting that together. Yass!!

2) Oh, I went to a Super Bowl party at a bar in Manhattan last night. (I didn’t meet any guys or discover anything really JUICY to write about. Sorry!) Most of all, I got to spend time with one of my really good friends. She’s a doll and we always have a lot of laughs together. Last night was no exception.

3) What else? I’ve been thinking about these tax lease transactions I’m analyzing at work (I realized last Friday morning during my commute that I started holding my breath thinking about it), but I’ll spare you the details on that.

4)  As a writer (and an analyst), I’m just really aware of everything happening around me. I’m observing. I’m listening. I’m thinking. I’m making connections. I’m feeling. It’s a beautiful thing.


5)  I haven’t been writing my memoir.

6)  Some days I think about taking a break altogether from dating.

7)  And I’ve never done interracial dating. I read this post on Noni Ayana’s blog the other day about white women’s fantasies about black men, and I felt confirmation, again, that the energy of a strong black man is something that I cannot imagine my life without although I am aware that sometimes what you want shows up in different packaging than you expect. (There was that one time I considered maybe going out with a Chinese guy – uh huh- but he blew it.)

8)  Oh, I’ve been listening to oldies music lately too – Luther Vandross, Alicia Myers, Meli’sa Morgan, Chaka Khan, Stephanie Mills, Rick James & Teena Marie, etc. (What y’all know about that?) I’m feeling really mellow right now. *Singing* ~~I’ve learned to respect – the power of Love~~~

9)  Back to numbers 6 & 7, there’s someone waiting in the wings. He’s a train electrician. (ha!!) Good vibes so far.

10)  Since I came up with nine random thoughts, I may as well round the list out to 10. HMM…. Oh, very important —- I found a new personal trainer. Yayyy!! I’m meeting with him this Thursday for an assessment!! I’m ready to get it poppin.


So tell me – what’s on YOUR mind? Randomness is fine!

Categories: Blogging, Random Thoughts

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7 replies

  1. I adore randomness…so, here’s my “mini” version:

    My birthday is in July (I don’t usually do anything huge, but I think I want to do something that scares me this year).

    I’m playing with the idea of writing a sorta, quasi snapshot memoir lol of my teen years.

    I’m not supposed to be eating sugar right now (self-imposed) but took my mom out for her bday and had one of the BEST bread puddings ever (at Famous Dave’s). It was so worth it.

    Oh…and I think you should be open to interracial dating (not saying that you’re not, and I get what you mean about Black men…but yes, just open. You never know :))


  2. Plenty of options for a NYC party. Make sure you send my invite


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