Random Revelations – 09132016


🌟I never wanted to give my mother credit for any of my successes, but really, because she and my father were unreliable for various reasons, they made me invincible. That’s why I’ve been seen as a resilient hero that could overcome anything. That’s how I raised three children and kept my wits about myself. Because everything is always working out for me – and us.

My mother did the best she could with what she knew, from her emotional state at that time. And that’s still the case. I appreciate her for being a vessel for me. When she’s in a way that I don’t like, I simply leave.


🌟I practiced a vibration for a long time, of preparing myself for people to leave. Because my father left (when I was 12). My first boyfriend left (he went to prison when he was 19 and I was 17). And so on. I told myself that people leave. And so what – because life goes on regardless. I even ended things with people so I could control when they left and how soon I could begin to heal from it. (That was subconscious self-sabotage.) I conditioned myself to think that if I haven’t heard from someone  (usually a lover) in a while, that I may just never hear from them again! How rational is that?

What I know now is that relationships are eternal and no one ever really leaves. Nothing is ever done. Everything is evolving.


🌟I’m an uplifter. Experience teaches, so through all my experiences – the wanted and the unwanted, I’m able to soothe and uplift others. And I’m invincible. Strangers confide in me. Others stare. (What are they looking at?)

I wouldn’t have it any other way. I wouldn’t take back the tears, or the worry, or the doubt – because all those moments helped me to become really clear and specific about what I want. Moved me closer to who I came here to be. I’m still expanding, and I’m trying to keep up with it all. And it’s fun. It’s fun to watch how things unfold with all these new and bright people coming into my life. All the new experiences. I keep saying how excited I am. And it’s true, even in the moments where I catch myself slipping – wondering how things will play out, it’s easier for me to find balance again. Even though I know from all the evidence, that it’ll be perfect. It will.


Here’s a quote I heard this morning:

“Do something frivolous that makes you happy and then everything else will follow. All the meaningful things. All the service things. All the beneficial things. All the monetarily wonderful things…” (Abraham Hicks)

I love it. Looks like I’ll be booking a trip within the next few days!

Categories: Random, Random Thoughts

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9 replies

  1. You’re right – no one really leaves. At the very least, powerful memories are there to remind us. Now, up and at ’em with the frivolity. Where’s the vacation destination this time, my traveling friend?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sometimes the best teacher is hard times. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love what you said about relationships never truly ending. You know what I seem to be struggling with lately? Taking the lessons learnt from previous relationships while still giving new ones a chance to blossom. If your last relationship ended because you were too open, do you close up in the next? People are different so what was toxic previously might be perfect for the next; but how do you know? Great post as always, really has me thinking.


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