A Message for my Fellow Bloggers and Commenters

Thank you!

As my fellow writers know, sometimes we feel as if we’re writing in a vacuum. It’s isolating work (which oddly, I don’t mind.)


I’ve questioned: Why am I writing? Should I continue? Who really cares? And so on. And in all cases, I show up to the page again. I feel compelled to, and I’m thankful for this gift.

Through your comments, I know that someone  is actually reading and relating. Not only that. I enjoy our conversations, which are most often lively, intriguing, encouraging, and or funny. I have a very suppprtive extended family of sorts and I consider myself lucky for that – which reminds me (randomly) that caring is where you find it. Support is where you find it. Love is where you find it.

Too often we hedge our bets, and our emotions on “certain people” in our lives. But joy is where you create it. And so is happiness. What you want from them, you can always find via another outlet (and within yourself).

Dear audience – and particularly commenters, thank you again.


Perhaps writing is an act of Self love. Well, yea, this is definitely an act of Self love. I’m glad you’re here to witness and participate in the journey.

Bonjour! (Just about the only French word I know, but I do love Paris!)


Categories: Blogging

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7 replies

  1. Thank you for sharing a part of your life. It has been some interesting stories girl. I’ve enjoyed the blogs that I have read. Keep going!


  2. Yes!! You are speaking to me! Love it! Too many times in life have I said why should I bother? Why continue? Until I realized, Just Do It! Stop quitting and Just Do It! I’m going to take my own advise that I wrote as a child. A winner never quits. A quitter never wins. You must try to succeed. The last part I wi ll change to you must do in order to succeed.

    Being thankful in advance is a great way to show gratitude for the things to come. It’s like speaking it into existance.
    Love it!

    P.S. I may be busy at times. But I do value your writings. You do have my support. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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