When He F*Ck Me Good I Take His Ass to Red Lobster


It took hella long for ‘Formation‘ to grow on me! But I’m adding it to my workout playlist.

I especially like the line in the beginning of the song: “Bitch, I’m back – by popular demand.”

Hell yes. I’m training consistently lately and really feeling that! Getting these glutes and legs popping. I need to lose a good 20lbs.

I got this.

Don’t y’all love how fabulous the women in the video look? Beyonce caught a lot of slack from folks thinking she was insulting police officers. I’m sure you’ve caught at least of glimmer of the Black Lives Matter movement in the states, no? (#BlackLivesMatter?)

“I did not come to play with you hoes! I came to slay Bitch!” (Another line from the song, spoken by social media star ‘Messy Mya’ who was gunned down and killed in New Orleans in 2010.)

I’m just in a mood. I do love Beyonce for how empowered I feel listening to her songs sometimes. The lyrics make me feel like I can wear a thong bodysuit and prance around, dancing real hard. Actually, I can. And I do – behind closed doors. Haha.

Oh, I would have been ‘bama‘ too had my mother not moved me and my sisters to New York when I was six years old! We lived in Alabama near my father’s side of the family. I walked barefoot on dirt roads and rolled down steep clay hills. Made mud pies. My mother grew cabbage and collard greens in the backyard. And I witnessed a real Native American peeping tom who rode a horse and peeked through out window at night! Sidenote: I never slept in my bed again.

Basically, I’m a Brooklyn girl with country roots (South Carolina on my mother’s side.)

“Cuz I slay.” 🙂

Just in case y’all wanna bump to this too! “We slay!”

Categories: Entertainment, Inspiration, Music, Videos

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8 replies

  1. They do look fit. I know that took some time and work. They slay.
    I did know about the Alabama roots. I thought it was from SC. Wow!
    The guy reminds me of Rick James at the awards. I’m Rick James @#$?!
    I know you are working hard in the gym. You will get there. Because you Slay! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The song grew on me too!! Now I’m just over here waiting for an album!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So, have you booked your shoot yet? And no, I’m not gonna forget. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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