Hindsight Is Better Than 20/20


“You had everything. And when I had you, I kept you. I said let’s get married. Let’s go to the justice of the peace. And you said no.”

Conversation with my ex, Michael. Somehow, his sincerity made me tear up. I had everything he wanted. Didn’t expect to hear that… The crazy thing is, I don’t think I’ve ever had a more honest discussion with him.

His advice from his hospital bed? “Get out and meet people.”

Categories: Inspiration, NaBloPoMo, Narratives, Personal Stories, Uncategorized

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6 replies

  1. That sounds like a tough conversation :-/ At least he seems to have some sort of peace and wants the best for you regardless.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Honesty can be both heartbreaking and healing at the same time. It can be hard to love someone and still know that it is not right. And our minds have a way of sometimes holding on to lost possibilities…

    Liked by 1 person

    • what a true statement: “honesty can be both heartbreaking and healing at the same time.” As far as lost possibilities, I think we were both very stubborn. He was content and I was miserable. I’m going to pull out my old journals to see what I was saying then. Good exercise. Thanks for chiming in.



  1. I’m Grateful, But No | My Female Persuasion
  2. I Did It!! | My Female Persuasion

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