Love Jones and Moscato

I arrived at Prince’s place one Saturday night in September at around 11:30pm, with Adele’s 21 CD and a bottle of wine in hand. “Here, I brought a copy of Adele’s cd for you to burn,” I said after greeting him with a kiss on the cheek. I also had a new DVD – Love Jones  that I ordered from Amazon the Thursday before. I went over there for us to watch the movie together. We wanted to witness black love between the main characters, Darius and Nina. And – other than that, I just wanted to be close to him (to feel and smell him) because we enjoyed one another’s company. We’d been doing so for about six months between intermittent writing sessions and hot caffe lattes at a local Starbucks.

So after settling down with Beringer’s Moscato wine, we settled onto the bed and into the nooks of one another’s arms to watch the movie. He had never tired that brand; I had never had Moscato. I didn’t tweet about him or black love or movies that night because we could see one another’s tweets. It’s called sub-tweeting when you tweet “about” someone who follows you on Twitter, but not directly @them.

I enjoyed the movie and the playful discussion we had during the film. Darius and Nina were having a love affair. She tested him by telling him she was going to New York to visit her fiancé and to look for a job – the theory being that if he didn’t protest her leaving, or show up at the train station to try to stop her – he really didn’t care enough after all. Without giving away the entire plot or ending of the movie – after a series of missteps, and love “jonesing,” and of course, him just missing her at the train station the day she left for New York – they discovered love.

Everything that happened after the movie seemed laborious because I was almost entirely inhibited (after one glass of wine). But the candlelight, intimacy, closeness, and sheer feelings of skin tingling joy inspired me to want to feel more of all of the above. Almost two weeks later, on September 28th, at 1:29pm, I tweeted #TheMoment: You’re waiting for him to enter you. And that thought sparked my first blog post, Impending Peak.

Categories: Narratives, Personal Stories

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29 replies

  1. Interesting. Enjoying each others company. Getting to know each other. Discussing each others opinion about the movie. Laying in each others arms. A sense of Foreplay. Hence Impending Peak.


  2. Always glad to read your post. Indubitably. Your welcome.. 🙂


  3. Girl you always get me to thinking. A good feeling being on the same page. The connection is so amazing. Love it!


  4. LOVE that movie and esp if you’re engaged with another artist that is a love interest, wouldn’t it be nice to have that “Love Jones” ❤


  5. I somehow thought this movie was an old movie from the 90’s or something because of the way the characters are looking on the cover [it looks 90’s-ish to me].

    It was probably based on the past BTW opposed to post 2000, right?


    • You’re actually right. It’s a classic movie from the 90’s. Filmed in the late 90’s.


      • Ok cool. I figured that. I don’t recall watching it though.
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        • It’s a good movie. 🙂 especially to watch when you’re boo’d up.


          • LMAO I am boo’d up since I have a GF, but I think I’d have to be in a certain frame of mind to watch a romance kind of flick
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            • LOL. Really??? i guess i understand. 🙂 it’s a good discussion film though, especially for the courting/ dating stage if you’re into that sort of thing.


              • “If I’m into that sort of thing!”? I’m a dating coach in the PUA/Seduction community. That’s what I’m about, giving insights on dating, mating, courtship and relationship. Only thing is, we (or I) don’t give the generic advice you’ll get from Dr. Phill or Cosmo. We’re pretty much revolutionary.
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                • By “that sort of thing” i meant black romance movies!!! Sheesh. lol. Well — this is the first i’m hearing about a PUA/Seduction community. I guess I’ll learn something new. Revolutionary? Hmm.


                  • Ok cool. I’ll put my fangs back in now lol. Well, at least you can’t say you didn’t learn something from me.
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                    • 🙂 well the only thing i learned so far is that this seduction/ PUA community exists. But i learned something nonetheless!


                    • Yep. A movement of guys with 1 primary goal in mind: to get laid like rockstars. After that phase (of getting laid often), one will have gained enough real-world experience with women that he can actually date a woman. But we do NOT advocate taking it slow, nor be friends first. We advocate sex first (and fast as possible).
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                    • Ohh. Plenty of guys like you out there – who share that perspective. 🙂


                    • Sure! Some differences, is that we follow a system to getting women. It’s an art to us that we can teach and showcase live on in-field video (where we go to the streets, and on hidden cam, we demonstrate our skills in picking up women). The average guy now, doesn’t have a system.
                      Sent from my BlackBerry® device


                    • I wonder if the average guy really needs a system. And if the average guy’s goal is to bed/ get as many women as possible. In any case, you must have a listening audience.


                    • The average guy who has skills with women doesn’t need a system.

                      The reason we need or use a system is because we teach this, while the average guy who gets laid but isn’t writing about it, he doesn’t need a system.

                      As far as listening audience, what do you mean?
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                    • Ok so your target audience is guys who lack confidence and skill when it comes to picking up women (some women refer to them as lames). They do exist. So this “self help” advice is useful for them. And that’s what I mean by listening audience. When you offer self help advice, your success hinges on the people who buy into it. I still wonder how many men really just wanna bang as many women as possible as soon as possible, but it’s not important.


                    • Yep! Basically that’s it in a nutshell! And it’s ironic that even though my site is targeted towards guys, most of the ppl who interact on my comments are women. So that’s pretty strange for a blog which teaches guys how to get laid and be confident with women.

                      Overall though, although our primary aim is to teach guys how to get attract women for sex, being confident and social is a key ingredient to it. So much of our stuff are based on being confident, how to be confident with women. So there’s a spinoff to just getting laid.
                      Sent from my BlackBerry® device


                    • Yea that’s how it is. I write about women and guys chime in. The women text me about it instead. To me, its just an opinion so I don’t know why theyre reluctant to share it. But anyway, at least you know your audience. And yea, confidence is key for both sexes


                    • Same as I chimed in. I can’t figure it out though. Why our target audience is the opposite sex or whatever
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                    • Hmm. That’s an interesting thought. I’m gonna go write something sexy now. Lol.


                    • Lol don’t hurt nobody
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